What does the DHA Mock test questions on eDental Portal look like?
eDental Mock test questions have previously appeared in DHA exams. These are unique questions, not part of our “Study” mode, but part of eDental Explanations found under each eDental question.
If you have thoroughly grasped the concepts underlying the questions provided on eDental portal by learning the explanations, you will be able to pass eDental Mock tests.

When should I give my DHA Mock test?
We recommend that your treat your eDental Mock test like your actual DHA exam. Only attempt your eDental Mock test after you have completely finished learning all the 2023 updated eDental questions as well as explanations thoroughly. When you have finished learning everything available on your account as well as one round of revision, you may take take the Mock Test from eDental Portal.
Take your Mock Test before the final week (roughly 10 days) of your actual DHA examinations. It allows you to judge where you stand in terms of your preparation while also giving you a fair amount of time to work over any weak areas.

What is an acceptable score to achieve in the DHA Mock tests on eDental Portal?
We have a smart system that picks questions for your Mock test at random. The pass scores for each of eDental Mock test varies. It is based on the difficulty level of the questions that are generated for you. Depending on the difficulty level of the questions on your Mock test, a pass score is generated for each eDental Mock test. If the questions were slightly easier, then your pass score cut off will be higher.
Please do not use the DHA exam pass score of 60% on eDental Mock test. The DHA exam is difficult and hence the pass score is set at 60%. Based on the difficulty level of the questions generated on your eDental DHA Mock test, the pass scores (cut-off) will change. Your performance (and if you have passed) will be revealed at the end of the test under ‘View Result’ button.
Please click on ‘View Result’ button to see if you have passed your Mock test.
If a Red message is shown under ‘View Result’ page, then your preparation is inadequate and you must not attend the actual DHA exam without preparing further.
If a Green message is displayed under ‘View Result’ page, then your preparation may be sufficient.

Are correct answers to the eDental mock test questions available?
Yes, correct answers as well as explanations (where relevant) is available to view after you have completed the eDental DHA Mock test. You may view this by clicking on the ‘Explore Result’ button. This button can be found under the ‘Test’ tab, once you have completed your Mock tests.

Can the same questions be repeated if I purchase more than one Mock test?
The questions for your eDental DHA Mock tests are picked at random. There may be a few questions that could be repeated, but not all questions will be the same. If a question is repeated, then this will be classed by the system as ‘easy question’ and your pass score (cut off) will be automatically adjusted (higher) for such a test.

Can I purchase a Mock test and reattempt the test again after attempting it once?
Mock tests work like real exams. Once you have ‘submitted’ the eDental DHA Mock test you can undo the responses/answer attempts. You will have the opportunity to revisit (explore result) the questions, answers, explanations multiple times but cannot reset/redo (change) your attempted answers after you have submitted the Mock test.